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Castle Landmark

Castle Landmark

R7 - New Capital


Down Payment


Years Installments

Ready To Move


Total Land : 42 Acres
Built Up : 19%
Landscape : 81%


Club House
Commercial Area


Payment Details

Plan 1

5% Down Payment
10 Years Installments
Facilities Prices

Maintenance Included
Club House Free
Parking Included
Note: Facilities payments (if mentioned) are not included in unit price.
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About Castle Landmark

Castle Landmark project is located in the outstanding zone R7 in the New Administrative Capital, this unrivaled location is just minutes from the Green River, Main Roads Network, Money & Business District & Governmental District in the New Administrative Capital. The project is built on a space of 43 Acres with a residential area that doesn’t cross 19% to be able to offer the majority of the landscape to the greenery and lakes.

Castle Development

By Castle Development

Castle Development One of the Major Real Estate Companies Pole in the New Capital of Egypt, delivering several munificent projects in New Administrative Capital that conveys various purposes related to investment & primary housing residence. In a newfangled environment promised by New Administrative Capital as a modern urbanized totally well-planned zone, Castle Development has joined forces with Masr El Maqassa Company to build high-toned project, given the protracted history of Masr El Maqassa in huge investment projects.

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